icon Author: coolyer
Frozen Flame (Early Access/Alpha) Review

Early access build:

Publisher & Developer:  Magisterion

What is Frozen Flame? If Rust, Dark Souls and D&D came together and had a baby it would be this.

Starting place area

The story: From what I have gathered you have been reborn? To stop the Cataclysm and kill the legendary dragons that stand in the way.

Just a random object in the air

What is Frozen Flame but more in depth? Frozen flame is a hardcore RPG with some inspiration from dark souls like a stamina bar that goes down when attacking and running and some rust elements like building.

Fighting a shadow

The mechanics: In Frozen Flame you have to keep a eye on a lot like the weather as your character can die from being too cold, having low energy and inventory management, you need special stones to lift the curse so you can have a little more health plus levelling up your character so you can become stronger and you can build as well.  

Looking at the view


  • I like the concept its going for.

  • You can make friends and do the story together or be trolled and killed.

  • Crafting system is done by memory stones so you have to spend them wisely.

  • Can build a house/base.

  • Stunning graphics.


  • You can be spawned killed happened to me a few times.

  • The story is not very clear but it is in early access/alpha.

  • Little confusing where you can build as some people can build next to the spawn and you cant.

  • No tutorial.

  • Horrible blur while running and jumping.


If you are looking for a RPG Dark Souls with Rust elements then you will enjoy this game when it comes out. It not a game for me personally but I’m sure there are people out there looking for a game like this so check it out on -> Steam plus check out there website for more information -> Website.

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