GTA Online vs Red Dead Online: A Clash of Open-World Online Shooters
Rockstar Games are a powerhouse of the gaming industry, their iconic style of open-world sim has never quite been done as well by any other studio. While their central catalogue all focus on expansive single-player experiences, in the past 10 years they have ventured out into multiplayer open worlds; opening up the worlds of GTA V and Red Dead Redemption II to the chaos of online play. The question is, which one is more worth your time?In this article, we’ll break down the key differences between Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption II to help define which of the

Path Of Titans Review
Platform: PC, Xbox, Playstation, SwitchDevelopers: Alderon Games Pty LtdEver wondered what it's like to be a dinosaur? Look no further, as Path Of Titans is here! But is it all it's cracked up to be?What does Path Of Titans Entail?Set in prehistoric times, you have the choice of eighteen dinos to choose from. Explore an expansive cross-platform MMO world filled with events, quests, guilds, adventures and free-form play. All the while trying to stay alive.Customize your dino, unlock abilities and combat with each dino's unique skill. What is Gameplay Like?Choose whether you would like to be a herbivore or a carnivore. With

Sword of Legends Online Review
SOLO originally released in China in 2019, and just made its grand appearance in the west earlier this month. I was excited to jump in, and dove head first. It was a bumpy road with awkward translation, but overall it was beautiful and engaging—everything I want in an MMO.Reviewing a base MMO under regular circumstances is no small task. There is questing, levelling, dungeons, raids, pets, gearing, customization, UI’s and more to think of. That is all true with Swords of Legends Online, but this time we are starting from scratch, with no previous understanding of the game. It would take
Trying Final Fantasy XIV After Almost 20 Years on World of Warcraft
I have played World of Warcraft going back to its early roots when the base game was still current content. I helped start and lead my first guild around late 2009, which was the first of 3 consecutive guilds running as recent as the last year or two. I went to my first Blizzcon in 2013 and every single year after that until 2019. That all being said, I have always been someone who saw myself playing World of Warcraft in some capacity until the end of its run whenever that might be. While I am not so certain World of

Hunters Arena: Legends Early Impressions
Hunter’s Arena: Legends is technically a MOBA game. I was expecting more of a PUBG or Fortnite style entry to the Arena. The game started off at a safe base location where players are gathered while waiting for other players in the Arena. While waiting, players can buy some equipment including weapons, armors, and accessories.Once the game begins, the players are let through the gates where they start at Level 1. Hunter’s Arena: Legends has mobs that are at different levels and are provided with some initial skill points to start off with a couple of skills. Once players kill mobs and gather experience, they can level up