A Juggler's Tale Review
Remember the magic of puppet theaters from your childhood? Lifeless pieces of wood and fabric, brought to life with a tug of a string. In A Juggler's Tale, a puzzle platformer made by the German game studio kaleidoscube, you will find yourself drawn right into this magical world of fairytales, where every movement is controlled by the delicate dance of the strings. Or is it?Who is pulling the strings?You find yourself in the role of a puppet called Abby. She performs at a circus and the crowd loves her. But as soon as the last viewer leaves, the ringmaster throws Abby into

The Mobius Machine Review
The Mobius Machine ReviewDeveloped and Published - Madruga WorksDiscover a vast alien world. Fight the ferocious local fauna and killer machines. Reveal its secrets and find a way to escape. The Mobius Machine is a side-scroller action platformer with dynamic combat and a heavy emphasis on exploration.Engross yourself in a new Sci-Fi side-scrolling, Action-packed adventure game.Crash landed on an abandoned moon, all alone, with your only companions are the hordes of alien lifeforms that want to eat and spit at you, you must quickly find a way to escape.Exploration is heavily invested, which is of no surprise, there are hidden items and secrets for you

Kingdom Shell Review
Kingdom Shell is a 2D platformer with pixelated graphics created by the aptly named Cup of Pixels, a solo indie developer in Türkiye.The magical barrier protecting the realm, the "kingdom shell," has been destroyed, allowing a flood of demons in from the outside. Elias, a half-breed with the blood of those same demons flowing through his veins, has been summoned from his imprisonment to help save the kingdom with the offer of freedom as his reward. As Elias, you journey through the land, fighting demons and learning about the kingdom's inhabitants, including information about your own past.The game is spent exploring

Elderand Review
Elderand is a 2D RPG platformer with a classic feel. Using pixel art to depict a world of gruesome horrors, Elderand sets a nostalgic vibe reminiscent of the gothic games of old.You play as a mercenary who has been summoned to the realm of Elderand in order to eradicate the tyranny that permeates it. Landing as the sole survivor of a shipwreck, you venture out to explore this ominous and unfamiliar land.Throughout the game, you explore a single map, which spans through several regions of Elderand, each with its own distinct characteristics and enemies. The land is filled with pixelated monstrosities

Grime: Colors of Rot Review
Grime: Colors of Rot is a Metroidvania and Dark Souls blend with a slight case of the munchies. While you won’t turn into the creatures that you absorb, in Kirby fashion, you do get to use weapons made of living creatures, with some impressive results. A true challenge with some incredible boss fights to keep you on the edge of your seat, this is an unforgiving platformer that deserves an attentive look by every lover of thrilling action games and… rock creatures.Rolling StonesGrime: Colors of Rot comes with the original game and free DLC released in November 2022, adding a new