Halver Review
Halver is a minimalist physics-based puzzle game about a rectangle on the most important quest of them all – to reach the level exit. Designed to require the use of your brain cells as much as it needs perfect timing for the jumps and block-pushing, it does so without bells and whistles to offer a simple yet appealing blueprint visual style with a charm of its own. Recommended for fans of puzzle games, Halver more than delivers on what the crowd is asking for, which is simplicity at the service of fun and mind stimulus.Block PartyThe levels in Halver are created

SOS OPS! Review
SOS OPS! is a game reminiscent of games like Human Fall Flat, Gang Beasts, Unreliable Delivery Service etc. where it's simple in nature and gameplay, but the biggest thing you're fighting is the controls and the physics, the feature that makes this game different then all the other ones is only in the missions themselves. You'll start by helping somebody move in their new house, or saving cats from trees to fixing amusement park rides and hosing down fires.When I say you fight against the controls I do mean it. While it is a custom to make these types of games

Lasers Review
Lasers is a free-to-play multiplayer platformer that drops all subtlety in favor of a ruthless competition where the losers get cut into tiny, bloody pieces. It’s a mix of Fall Guys with those popular obby games from Roblox, with a hint of Squid Game thrown in for good, violent measure. The concept is meant to be addictive and instantly playable, but some flaws prevent it from becoming the go-to game for those looking for a hair-tearing challenge.Buffed Up GladiatorsClearly developed by a small indie team, Lasers doesn’t hold back on its adult nature. Violence is patent in almost every step, as

Cookie Cutter Review
Cookie Cutter is a new cartoon Metroidvania that ticks all the expected boxes and does so with a hefty dose of brutality and mature humor. It’s hand-drawn class at the service of an imminently playable platformer, one that follows the rules of the genre and gets more versatile as you unlock additional abilities. The addictive loop and fun main character turn this into a game that you should not miss if you are into love-driven androids out for a vengeance.Cherry on TopDescribed as Tarantino meets Japanese manga, Cookie Cutter does shine through some features out of these inspirations. The exaggerated violence

Viewfinder Review
The inconspicuous Viewfinder is another game that fans of original and artsy videogames should check without hesitation. Ranking up there in the same league as Portal and The Entropy Centre may be a task only at the reach of the boldest minds, but this puzzle game brings an entirely new perspective into the genre, quite literally messing around with your perception of space in ways that will blow your mind. It’s a simple package with incredible and unexpected depth that fans should not miss.Looks Can Be DeceivingViewfinder’s colorful and simple nature is deceiving, as this game’s apparent relaxing nature soon gives