Articles with Social tag

Do Video Games Reduce College Stress?

Many students name gaming as one of their main hobbies. Such statistics should come as a surprise to anyone. However, the world is still divided on whether computer games are good or bad for young people. We all know that gaming can be addictive. However, it happens on rare occasions and often indicates a bigger mental health problem. In other cases, gaming can even be beneficial for us. Thus, it seems that playing video games can reduce stress. This side of gaming can greatly benefit young people and students in particular.Most students live with stress and anxiety throughout their school years.


Top 6 Social VR Apps to Hang Out With Friends

Can’t see your friends in person? Video chats and voice calls can offer the basic elements of communication, but maybe you want an experience that is more like being in the same room as your friends.If you have a VR headset, you should know that it can be used for more than just games. Social VR apps can be great for bringing people together. Some offer a virtual space where people can go to discuss ideas and there are others that offer features like social games and activities.Check out the following apps if you are looking to have a cool VR experience