Articles with Atmospheric tag

Pine Harbor Review

The air brakes hiss in disdain as the long commuter bus slowly grinds to a stop. The thick, dense fog is an oppressive companion the moment your feet touch the worn, neglected asphalt as you depart the safe metal shell of the vehicle. The door squeaks a menial farewell as its inner arm extends, the bus eliciting a chirp as it’s brakes hiss once more. It rolls away with unexpected vigor: The driver had no desire to linger, let alone to really bring you here in the first place- to Pine Harbor. It was all too eerie. Too quiet. A desolate,


A Juggler's Tale Review

Remember the magic of puppet theaters from your childhood? Lifeless pieces of wood and fabric, brought to life with a tug of a string. In A Juggler's Tale, a puzzle platformer made by the German game studio kaleidoscube, you will find yourself drawn right into this magical world of fairytales, where every movement is controlled by the delicate dance of the strings. Or is it?Who is pulling the strings?You find yourself in the role of a puppet called Abby. She performs at a circus and the crowd loves her. But as soon as the last viewer leaves, the ringmaster throws Abby into


Roadwarden Review

Having enjoyed a fair amount of tabletop RPGs run through various systems and as a fan of text-based adventure games, I was excited to learn about Roadwarden, a text-based adventure game which plays very much like a single-player tabletop RPG campaign.Released by Moral Anxiety Studio in September of 2022, Roadwarden is set in a fantasy world full of political complexities and environmental dangers. As the titular roadwarden, newly assigned to patrol the northern peninsula, your job is to assure the safety of the roads and provide contact between isolated villages while also working to achieve the goals of your employers—merchants of


Exilium Demo Review

While glancing through some upcoming games on Steam, my eyes caught on the dark, occult comic-style artwork of Exilium and I had to give the demo a try. Planned for release by later this year, the game is described as an "atmospheric point & click project" in which you will "face demons and occult rituals." I love a good point & click adventure, so I started the game with enthusiasm.It soon became clear that the game wasn't quite what I was expecting from the description. It does use a point & click interface (along with some camera side-scrolling that you


Medieval Dynasty Review

Medieval Dynasty ReviewDeveloper - Render Cube, Publisher - Toplitz ProductionsHunt, survive, build and lead in the harsh Middle Ages: Create your own Medieval Dynasty and ensure its long-lasting prosperity or die trying!Medieval Dynasty takes you on a journey in a wide, open world scenario, where you become one of the people who are capable in creating large scale settlements.This game will have you wandering the earth, until you find yourself a peaceful place, will it be peaceful enough from harms way, or will bandits be your downfall? Will you fight or die trying?Multiplayer will be available in early December! Keep a look out on that,

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