Articles with Atmospheric tag

Somerville Review

Designed in utter secrecy for nearly a decade, Somerville is a tough beast to define. A sci-fi adventure with a minimalistic narrative focused on the intimate struggle of a daring father amidst a large-scale galactic conflict, it’s the kind of game that is best lived without any sort of spoilers or preconceived expectations. By the end of this epic journey, you’re left wondering what you have just witnessed, pondering on the subtext, and lingering for days on what exactly your character has experienced – and that’s the greatest compliment I can give to any game.Dad IssuesMistakenly described by most of the


Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats and Bad Sweets Review

What does a onion sprout and music have in common? Nothing but if given the chance they'll come ready to rock your world with awesome rhythms in an out-of-this-world atmosphere.Story And GameplayRhythm Sprout is a fast-paced rhythm game developed by SURT and published by tinyBuild in which you play as Sprout, the chosen onion, who's been tasked by King Brock to help find a missing Count and face the cute, yet evil Sweet Villains. Currently, the demo of the game is available to download on Steam and the game is said to come out early 2023.You start off your adventure with a few


Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons Review

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons is an experiment on the potential of controllers servicing as a unique and refreshing gameplay experience as well as the testament of trust towards the players’ intelligence in understanding semiotics by confidently telling a story without an understandable language, verbal or written, all soaking in a beautifully crafted art style. On the SurfaceIt is an adventure game with beautiful scenery filled fully on the screen without a single distraction from the UI (or the lack thereof) all the way from the menu till the credits roll. It is certainly eye-candy wherever you look. Knowing this,


Drizzlepath: Genie Review

Few words about the gameStarting off with a game description itself. Drizzlepath: Genie is a game where you are playing as Lula, a girl from a village that lived quite a normal life until a wizard appeared in her dreams and told her to find a Genie. As you walk and explore one of the paths you have chosen, you have the opportunity to listen to an amazing story and be part of a mysterious adventure.AdvantagesThe story is really beautiful, written almost like a poem. It tells a tale of a girl we are playing as, of her past and past


The Guise Review

The Guise, a game that is sure to delight the senses at almost every turn, but not necessarily your thumbs. In the game you take control of Ogden who is one of several orphans living under the roof of a caretaker, Mallory, who seems to have more to her than she lets on. After a fateful incident involving a mask that many will find familiar; Ogden loses his human body as he is turned into a monster. He is then tasked by Mallory to seek a shaman in order to regain his humanity.With this new body, Ogden is able to perform

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