Vampire Hunters Review
Rusty crimson stains splatter along the off-white walls, creeping down into the vermilion plush of the carpets, leaving one unable to differentiate between the true color and the unfortunate aftermath of the battle that took place within the halls of The Brootherhood. Furniture lay strewn about, as well as discarded weaponry. Whatever had occurred here- it was fierce and violent, ruthless and left carnage in its wake.But what, exactly, had transpired…? The ruins of the once-lavish Brotherhood Chateau lay in tatters, splintered floors and blood-stained walls still reverberated at each menial sound. It was quiet. Too quiet. Far too late had

Exophobia Review
Darkness.The soft hum of a ships idle system. Your body tingles, pins and needles against your skin- how long has it been since you moved last? Against your better judgment, you will your eyes to open- a hiss escaping your lips as your lids part, the harsh lights burning your sensitive pupils.Inhale- breathe.Your stomach contorts- uneasy. The heavy, putrid smell of rotten meat is mingled with something else. Something almost sickly-sweet, like a thick cherry liqueur. There is an undertone of rotten eggs, and a faint note of garlic. Instinctively you curl your hand into a tight fist, clenching your own

Demonic Supremacy Review
Demonic Supremacy ReviewDeveloped and Published by; Chilidog InteractiveAboutDemonic Supremacy is an old-school 3D shooter with a certain nostalgic flavour and few gamer-friendly features. It offers several hours of hurricane gameplay rocking through memorable levels with the explosive heavy metal soundtrack!Do you remember back in 1993 and 1996, when the releases of Quake and DOOM were all the hype for First-person shooters? Well, let me present to you Demonic Supremacy.You will very much notice that the graphics and general gameplay are very similar to that beautiful retro era.Most games from Chilidog Interactive are the same way, with games like; • Dead station,

Supplice Review
Supplice is a stylized old-school, fast as hell first-person shooter that directly descends from the lineage of Doom. It’s a blink-and-you’re-dead kind of game, where you run and turn almost like a racing car, with the difference that you are armed to the teeth. Well, you will be soon, since at the start you only have this odd drill that doubles as a melee weapon and powerful shockwave emitter. If you love a throwback to the 90’s, this is your game, but don’t go expecting anything to blow your mind, apart from the enemies’ bullets.Saving SpaceAs an engineer that is part

Project Downfall Review
What an adrenaline rush that is Project Downfall, a first-person action game that takes the old arcade style seen in Duke Nukem 3D and mixes it with new tech. This cyberpunk adventure will turn your pixelized face into a bloody pulp and encourage you to keep going, using every means at your disposal to eliminate the vast roster of criminals, addicts, mobsters, annoyed ex-girlfriends, and everyone else who stands in your way, sanity be damned. It’s John Wick but faster, grittier, and with a complete disregard for morality. The stuff that makes a great videogame, in short.John WickerWithout getting too deep