Articles with Eurogamer tag

Our Time at EGX 2018

Once again we find ourselves at EGX. This year 3 members of the OP team went, and here are our thoughts:LEWISSo another year at EGX, and I still can't help but moan about the boring and uncreative art used at the entrance of EGX. A couple of shapes changed position and background patterns slightly changed up, but largely the same mundane and uninspiring signage. In no way does it get you excited for the event when you walk through what is essentially a large empty hall with nothing more than one large screen advertising a couple of the games at the


Our Time at EGX 2017

So here we are again, writing another article about another EGX event. Two members of the OP team went to EGX in 2017, and we have both individually written reviews of the event.Lewis When we arrived at the event, one of the first things that struck me was the lack of creativity in the art being used. I didn't feel hugely excited to be there, apart from the huge amount of people attending, I didn't feel like I was arriving at anything special. I remember in the early days of Eurogamer, I used to feel like I was attending something out of


Our Time at EGX 2016

As is now tradition for the members of Opium Pulses based in the UK, we made our way to EGX (Eurogamer Expo) in Birmingham, our press passes allowed us earlybird entry to all 4 days but we stuck to Thursday and Sunday. We arrived bleary-eyed in good time and were allowed to walk straight in. Of the two days, if you want peace and quiet, room to move around and better opportunity to secure interviews, Thursday is your day. If you like huge crowds, active tournaments and regular giveaways the weekend is the time to go.Anyway as much as we love


Our Time at EGX 2015

Today we're letting you know what all three of us thought of EGX (Eurogamer Expo) 2015. Starting with...CHRISI was at EGX this year for the full 4 days it was running. During this time I had the pleasure to show off Steam’s upcoming VR headset – the HTC Vive, to hundreds of extremely excited people.We had game developers, universities, representatives from Twitch, YouTube and EGX themselves all buzzing to try out the latest and what is commonly starting to become known as ‘The best’ VR experience currently around!It’s difficult to explain the immersion you get with Vive until you’ve tried it