Fountains Review
The thick rustle and snap of wool was deafening upon your rapidly unexpected descent. Down…down...down…down...You land with an unceremonious thud, a fluster of dust clamoring to the air at your sudden arrival, the specks flickering in the glaring sunlight that poured from the mouth of the craggy hollow above. Every bone in your body aches, ribs sore with each laborious breath. Even long after the sound of footsteps, hushed voices and clanking of armor fade, you are slow to rise. Groaning, you pull yourself to your feet, fingers rolling across your stinging palms as you dislodge debris of stone and bone:

Lies of P Review
A mechanical click. The system thrums to life.Ba-dump. Tick.Strong yet intricate fingertips flex, eliciting a soft whirr of mechanics, before wrapping the surprisingly articulate tips around the edge of the chair. Artificial muscles flex.Ba-dump. Tock.Ebony eyelashes flutter, parting to reveal cobalt irises. The grip tightens, a boyish frame rising from the plush red velveteen of the chair. Ba-dump. Tick.Thoughts, memories, experiences and LIFE course through inner workings, glowing bright and blue. Gears turn and springs flex and release. A mechanical heart beats and thrums in time with the rise and fall of each step.Ba-dump. Tock.The partially coagulated blood gives a soft

No Rest For The Wicked - Early Access Review
Moon Studios is a team of developers well-known for their platformer masterpieces Ori and the Blind Forest and its sequel Ori and the Will of the Wisps. So many fans of the Ori games were quite surprised when Moon Studios announced that with their next title No Rest For The Wicked they are leaving the platformer genre and will test their mettle in the action RPG genre. From a fairytale-like world of Ori, who traversing a charming forest full of beauty, Moon Studios is taking us to the grim island of Isola Sacra, which is riddled with pestilence and where you will have

Curse of Eternity Review
Curse of Eternity is living proof that making a fantastic Souls-like isn’t an easy task. From Software has honed its craft through decades of games, from Demon’s Souls to Dark Souls, taking us on a haunting journey with Bloodborne and delivering a sprawling epic called Elden Ring. With Curse of Eternity, studio Imakeda Games takes inspiration from the classics but seemingly lacks the resources and the keen eye that make a great game, resulting in an underwhelming hardcore RPG that ends up being challenging in all the wrong ways.Swing and MissIt’s safe to say that first impressions matter, and in the

Grime: Colors of Rot Review
Grime: Colors of Rot is a Metroidvania and Dark Souls blend with a slight case of the munchies. While you won’t turn into the creatures that you absorb, in Kirby fashion, you do get to use weapons made of living creatures, with some impressive results. A true challenge with some incredible boss fights to keep you on the edge of your seat, this is an unforgiving platformer that deserves an attentive look by every lover of thrilling action games and… rock creatures.Rolling StonesGrime: Colors of Rot comes with the original game and free DLC released in November 2022, adding a new