Supplice Review
Supplice is a stylized old-school, fast as hell first-person shooter that directly descends from the lineage of Doom. It’s a blink-and-you’re-dead kind of game, where you run and turn almost like a racing car, with the difference that you are armed to the teeth. Well, you will be soon, since at the start you only have this odd drill that doubles as a melee weapon and powerful shockwave emitter. If you love a throwback to the 90’s, this is your game, but don’t go expecting anything to blow your mind, apart from the enemies’ bullets.Saving SpaceAs an engineer that is part

Post Void Review
Designed as a relentless adrenaline rush aimed at a niche who swears by speed and bright, flashing lights, Post Void is the kind of shooter that quickly devolves into a shallow experience after the first few runs. This sensory overload masquerading as an old-school FPS lacks any significant depth or appeal that may keep a player invested for more than a few minutes, resulting in a frustrating and potentially seizure-inducing game that has more style than substance.Maze of Blinding LightsFlashing lights, noise blasting, super speed… Post Void is a no-holds barred action game that feels like you have just experienced some

Fashion Police Squad Review
Having a poor sense for all things chic and in vogue isn’t exactly a crime, but in Fashion Police Squad there is no absolution for bad taste. A retro shooter with its tongue firmly planted in the cheek, bullets in this one are but a process to make every enemy look positively stunning and cheerful. It’s intentionally silly, but somehow manages to make this intriguing concept of a clothing police engaging and fun for everyone, including lovers of meme culture.A Ravishing Shot at First-Person ShootersFashion Police Squad mixes the old with the new, with simple 3D for the locations and items,

Spire of Glory Review
Spire of Glory is an unapologetic auto battler game, a genre often called auto chess as well. The main appeal of the genre rests on the diversity of the roster and the myriad of combinations that are designed to provide countless strategies and possibilities. The same could be said for Spire of Glory, although in a substantially smaller scale – here is a game that comes with meager content, enough for an hour or two of fun, and little more. This major flaw inflicts a devastating poisoning attack in a game that tries to add a cool twist into the mix,

Project Downfall Review
What an adrenaline rush that is Project Downfall, a first-person action game that takes the old arcade style seen in Duke Nukem 3D and mixes it with new tech. This cyberpunk adventure will turn your pixelized face into a bloody pulp and encourage you to keep going, using every means at your disposal to eliminate the vast roster of criminals, addicts, mobsters, annoyed ex-girlfriends, and everyone else who stands in your way, sanity be damned. It’s John Wick but faster, grittier, and with a complete disregard for morality. The stuff that makes a great videogame, in short.John WickerWithout getting too deep