Fountains Review
The thick rustle and snap of wool was deafening upon your rapidly unexpected descent. Down…down...down…down...You land with an unceremonious thud, a fluster of dust clamoring to the air at your sudden arrival, the specks flickering in the glaring sunlight that poured from the mouth of the craggy hollow above. Every bone in your body aches, ribs sore with each laborious breath. Even long after the sound of footsteps, hushed voices and clanking of armor fade, you are slow to rise. Groaning, you pull yourself to your feet, fingers rolling across your stinging palms as you dislodge debris of stone and bone:

Kill Knight Review
Of Blood and Flesh...Once a loyal knight, betrayed, and banished to the Abyss. A desecrated corpse inside reanimated armor. You rise to an eternal death. Branded KILL KNIGHT, you have one purpose - KILL THE LAST ANGEL.It doesn't get simpler than this.You are a knight. You kill. Do you really need anything else?Anything beyond the abyss is inconsequential. Your purpose is here and now. Where many games stumble and fall, this game stands up and delivers.Where others adorn themselves in placations and decorations, it remains unfettered.You won't find insane graphics here, nor cosmetics, nor dull filler.Your purpose is clearKill.

Lorn's Lure Review
Delicate clouds kissed a pastel blue sky. The jagged stone obelisks seemed less harsh. Softer, almost gentle. The warm sun overhead basking them in a rich golden glow, teeming with life. It was all so beautiful…Lush green grass kissed every nook, cranny, and crevice- it flowed like water, bubbling up from beneath metal grates, and rusty pipes.But I still felt trapped. Then I saw it…followed it… down…down… down into an abyss. The darkness all consuming, and unknown. The sound of wings beat in the dark. How foolish I was then… 253 years ago…There is… no going back. There is no way back...you must now

Super Retro BoxBot Review
Super Retro BoxBot ReviewDeveloper - Joseph Holliday, Publisher - Doc Holliday Games LLC1990s-style puzzle gameplay inspired by the DOS classics Block-man and Loader Larry. Super Retro BoxBot is sure to entertain and challenge you through its hand-crafted levels! You can also create your very own challenges with the included level editor! Put your puzzle-solving skills to the test!Super Retro BoxBots is a charming, 2D side-scrolling puzzle adventure, where you are the main robot hunting for keys to escape each level.Featuring a whopping 66 intricate levels, mixing 50 main levels and 16 collectable bonus levels, you can be sure that your brain will feel challenged.The

Lost Ruins Review
Lost Ruins is Altari Games’ first project, successfully backed on Kickstarter in September of 2020. It is a different, unique game, combining different styles and mechanics and that alone is why I appreciated it so much. It is not perfect, and you probably need to be more than a casual gamer to fully appreciate it. When you start a new game, you’re welcomed with the wisest words I’ve seen in a long time: “Those interested in enjoying the story with minimal obstacles are encouraged to try the Accessible difficulty.” Looks like I missed that part, because I started my game at