Black Dragon Mage Review
Game Title: Black Dragon MageDeveloper & Publisher: datablobRelease date: December 4, 2024 – Early AccessOS: Windows and Linux (via Proton) – Fully optimized for Steam Deck Platform: Steam Price: $5.99 / €5.89 “The Hall of Relics calls out to you, traveler! Unleash elemental magic, slay demon hordes, and absorb their souls to grow in power” WHAT IS IT Black Dragon Mage is a top-down action roguelite, created by solo developer datablob, in the vein of Vampire Survivors and Brotato, among other notable titles. While similar in the basic mechanics, BDM (You really don’t expect me to say Black Dragon Mage every other sentence, do you?) has some notable differences,

Yes, Your Grace Review
The air is thick with the smell of burning torches- hushed and frantic voices cutting through the normally serene twilight. The night was young, and it would be long, as had been many nights before it. Wooden stairs creak under leather-soles, as you make your way up the tower and out onto the chemin de ronde. Soldiers bustle along the narrow path, preparing for the inevitable battle that lies ahead: Swords, explosives, hot oil- no expenses spared. Not now. Far too much is reliant on this. Your kingdom is reliant on this. Locking eyes with of one of the newer recruits,

Ale & Tale Tavern Review Jank
Dirt and gravel crunch softly under the soles of your feet as you make your way up the little-traversed path, leaning forward slightly as it gently slopes uphill. As you reach the crest, your gaze settles on the charmingly quaint building in front of you. Weather-worn fliers, wanted posters and long sprawling vines litter the buildings exterior while cobwebs glazing the patio eaves, drawing your eyes upwards.The sign greets you with a crooked smile of sorts, lazily drooping by a hinge. A firm gust sets it in motion, a soft groan coming from the rusty hinges that were, more or less,

Roadwarden Review
Having enjoyed a fair amount of tabletop RPGs run through various systems and as a fan of text-based adventure games, I was excited to learn about Roadwarden, a text-based adventure game which plays very much like a single-player tabletop RPG campaign.Released by Moral Anxiety Studio in September of 2022, Roadwarden is set in a fantasy world full of political complexities and environmental dangers. As the titular roadwarden, newly assigned to patrol the northern peninsula, your job is to assure the safety of the roads and provide contact between isolated villages while also working to achieve the goals of your employers—merchants of

Kingdom Shell Review
Kingdom Shell is a 2D platformer with pixelated graphics created by the aptly named Cup of Pixels, a solo indie developer in Türkiye.The magical barrier protecting the realm, the "kingdom shell," has been destroyed, allowing a flood of demons in from the outside. Elias, a half-breed with the blood of those same demons flowing through his veins, has been summoned from his imprisonment to help save the kingdom with the offer of freedom as his reward. As Elias, you journey through the land, fighting demons and learning about the kingdom's inhabitants, including information about your own past.The game is spent exploring