Yes, Your Grace Review
The air is thick with the smell of burning torches- hushed and frantic voices cutting through the normally serene twilight. The night was young, and it would be long, as had been many nights before it. Wooden stairs creak under leather-soles, as you make your way up the tower and out onto the chemin de ronde. Soldiers bustle along the narrow path, preparing for the inevitable battle that lies ahead: Swords, explosives, hot oil- no expenses spared. Not now. Far too much is reliant on this. Your kingdom is reliant on this. Locking eyes with of one of the newer recruits,

Medieval Dynasty Review
Medieval Dynasty ReviewDeveloper - Render Cube, Publisher - Toplitz ProductionsHunt, survive, build and lead in the harsh Middle Ages: Create your own Medieval Dynasty and ensure its long-lasting prosperity or die trying!Medieval Dynasty takes you on a journey in a wide, open world scenario, where you become one of the people who are capable in creating large scale settlements.This game will have you wandering the earth, until you find yourself a peaceful place, will it be peaceful enough from harms way, or will bandits be your downfall? Will you fight or die trying?Multiplayer will be available in early December! Keep a look out on that,

Anvil Saga Review
Anvil Saga ReviewDeveloper: Pirozhok Studio - Publisher: HeroCraft PCAnvil Saga is a management sim with RPG elements where you take control of a blacksmith shop amidst the Hundred Years' War. Each decision you make impacts the story and gameplay.Anvil Saga allows you to take the role of a blacksmith set in medieval times, a game that forges its paths based on your decisions.Make the wrong choice and things become so much harder, make the right choice things remain hard.How will you fare against the ongoing burning passion of the customers who line up to your shop in need of goods and services?GameplayThe

Crimson Tactics Review
After only a month in Early Access, a new tactics game, Crimson Tactics: The Rise of the White Banner, has been released as complete as of September 5th. Heavily inspired by classic turn-based tactics games, Crimson Tactics is set in a high fantasy medieval world rife with political strife.The inspiration is immediately obvious in the game's aesthetic. The artwork is of high quality, with the polished look of a typical JRPG-style game. The battle maps use the familiar isometric view, though they can be zoomed out to give an overhead view of the entire battlefield. The audio is reminiscent of similar

Bandit Brawler Review
For all the twisted and controversial escapades that the Postal series has brought to gamers everywhere, it remains as one of the few series that doesn’t really care about moral boundaries and gross-out humor. Bandit Brawler doesn’t hide its inspiration but puts a medieval spin that is bound to please undemanding fans of rough adventures who just want to have some fun.Medieval BratsHalf Postal, half Goat Simulator, this is the kind of game where the “bug or feature” dilemma doesn’t apply. Bandit Brawler is frankly silly adventure, almost a spoof of other better games but without the polish that it eventually