Age of Darkness: Final Stand Review
White hot embers crackled and popped, bursting to the air. The fire was large and comfortable, but there was little glee to be found here. Men sat, helmets tucked between weary knees. Most sat in silence, some spoke in hushed whispers- voices barely rising above the scraping of tin against tin as they ate the meager nightly rations. Morale was wavering. The sky, sprinkled with diamonds gave no comfort- it was tainted- cursed with an eerie viridescent glow, infernal tongues nipping and writhing towards the sky. It was unnatural- the tell-tale sign of the Nightmares soon to come, to swarm the

Voidtrain Review
The night air is harsh: battering winds cuts you through to the bone as an unforgiving snowfall blusters. Your eyes sting, eyelashes heavy with frozen ice. “It’s not much farther now…” Just as quickly as a plume rises from your breath, the wind whips it away.You push on, trudging through the snow, to a cabin blanketed in darkness. Your numb fingers brace against the wooden entrance, yet the gentle approach yields nothing. Mustering what little strength you have left, you shoulder the stiff door- and after a moment of resistance you topple inside, a plume of dust marking your arrival.It’s dark.

Ale & Tale Tavern Review Jank
Dirt and gravel crunch softly under the soles of your feet as you make your way up the little-traversed path, leaning forward slightly as it gently slopes uphill. As you reach the crest, your gaze settles on the charmingly quaint building in front of you. Weather-worn fliers, wanted posters and long sprawling vines litter the buildings exterior while cobwebs glazing the patio eaves, drawing your eyes upwards.The sign greets you with a crooked smile of sorts, lazily drooping by a hinge. A firm gust sets it in motion, a soft groan coming from the rusty hinges that were, more or less,

Night of the Dead Review
The faint flickering of lights, a click- the hiss of hydraulics. Movement. Light. Your eyes blur at the unwelcome invasion of the overhead halogens, your ears sensitive to the high pitched, unearthly buzz they emit. How long has it been? How did you end up here and, more importantly, where IS everyone? Fuzzy halos circle every light source you glimpse at- your body slow to adjust. Sitting up, your bare feet graze the metal floor, recoiling initially at the sharp cold. As your vision clears and the ringing in your ears subsides, it becomes painfully obvious that something has gone horribly,

V Rising Review
If you are seeking a game that lets you rule the night, you may want to look into V Rising, an open world survival game recently released by Sunlock Studios after nearly two years in Early Access. Set in Vardoran, a harsh land filled with ferocious beasts and hardened humans, you play the part of a classic vampire. Recently awakened from a long slumber and frail from excessive thirst, you begin the game by leaving your crypt behind to seek blood and glory.Once you venture out into the world, you can choose where to build your castle from numerous locations spread