Articles with Quest tag

100th Oculus Quest Game Review Special!

Well, we’re finally here people, this article features ten more Oculus Quest game reviews, the last being our ONE-HUNDREDTH review! We’ve played, tested and reviewed 100 different VR games over the last few years, starting with Oculus Quest launch titles & ending by exclusively reviewing titles played on the Oculus Quest 2.Scroll to the bottom for links to all our previous Quest review articles and a little insight into what to expect next from us.Boy did we group together some great titles for our special! Let’s start in alphabetical order, simply ‘cause it's prettier…CrashlandWe fully expected an official Oculus Rift release of


10 Oculus Quest 2 Game Reviews - Part 3

If you're a regular reader here at Opium Pulses, you might remember a few series of game reviews we did following the release of the Oculus Quest, we've now reviewed a total of 90 games for the platform and don't intend on stopping!Now that the Oculus Quest 2 has been out for a few months we figured we'd pick one up ourselves and review games played exclusively on the new headset. Everything we review in this series will be played and tested on our brand new Quest 2, so all pros and cons should be considered.Click here for part 2:’s


10 Oculus Quest 2 Game Reviews - Part 2

If you're a regular reader here at Opium Pulses, you might remember a few series of game reviews we did following the release of the Oculus Quest, we've now reviewed a total of 80 games for the platform and don't intend on stopping!Now that the Oculus Quest 2 has been out for a few months we figured we'd pick one up ourselves and review games played exclusively on the new headset. Everything we review in this series will be played and tested on our brand new Quest 2, so all pros and cons should be considered.Click here for part 1:’s


10 Oculus Quest 2 Game Reviews - Part 1

If you're a regular reader here at Opium Pulses, you might remember a few series of game reviews we did following the release of the Oculus Quest, we reviewed a total of 70 games for the platform and intended to keep going! For this episode, we saved up some of our most anticipated titles to kick us off.Now that the Oculus Quest 2 has been out for a few months we figured we'd pick one up ourselves and review games played exclusively on the new headset. Everything we review in this series will be played and tested on our brand new


10 More Oculus Quest Game Reviews - Part 3

If you're a regular reader here at Opium Pulses, you might remember a series of game reviews we did in the months following the release of the Oculus Quest.As the Oculus Quest 2 recently released around the world, we're starting a new series of reviews featuring old and new titles that we haven't shared with readers here before.Read part two here:’s start in alphabetical order, simply ‘cause it's prettier…BlastonMore simply described as a 1v1 online duelling game, the concept of which most will be familiar with if they’ve seen almost any Wild West movie, but this time with a more