Articles with horror tag

Pacify Review

Publisher:SKH AppsDeveloper: Shawn HitchcockWhat is Pacify? From the creature of “Emily Wants to Play” comes a even scarier game!The Basement!The story: You just signed on with PAH Inc. Paranormal Activity Helpers Incorporated, yeah sounds corny, but the pay is great. They said you won't ever be in any real danger, and they have tons of work right now. Your first job is at some old haunted house. There is a broker wanting to put the house for sale, but with everyone in the town spreading rumours of evil living inside the house, he needs some proof that it is safe. He actually


Hunt: Showdown Early Access Review

Hunt: Showdown is an early access first-person shooter with Battle Royale style gameplay whose mastery of tension, theming, and tactical components has birthed a game where every match is as exhilarating as the next.Hunt sees you playing as a bounty hunter in the Louisiana swamps, sent to hunt down and collect bounties that have been set on ghastly horrors. In a match your goal is to find clues to locate a monster lurking in one of the map’s compounds, kill the monster, and banish them back to whatever hell it came from. There’s a catch though, there are eight or nine other players


Gore Tech's evolution in video games.

Gore, video games have always been associated with the most visceral presentation of it even more so than movies at times due to it's interactive nature, but the actual tech used by games in order to develop a sense of tension and blood splattering violence has not always been incredibly convincing, with a few notorious leaps in progression from time to time.Resident Evil 2 Remake appears to be another great leap in the right direction.Let us not forget the earliest examples of "Gore" in games like the original Mortal Kombat, while at the time it sent adults into a frenzy and


Let's Talk Horror

“What Frightens you more? The FEAR that you know, or the FEAR that you don’t know.” - F.E.A.R 2007“I say, is it too much to ask for both?” - Iron Man 2008  What makes a game not just terrifying but interesting as a video game experience? Resident Evil 7 may be a well developed game with great atmosphere, but I want to talk about some of the classic horror games that managed to not only inspire but also reinvent the genre, adding and restructuring different horror elements and mechanics.Each game has it's unique take on horror and while multiple characteristics can exist


6 Horrifying Survival Horror Games

Over the years, we have seen games which scare us to the bone, games that pushes you to the mental limit, redefining the definition of survival. Opium Pulses would like to present to you a list of survival horror games which send shivers to our spine in late nights.  System Shock 2, 1999"Look at you h-h-hacker, a creature of meat and bone." SHODAN mutters, striking an instant fear into the hearts of players with it's insidious, glitchy voice. This however, will just be a piece of the fear System Shock 2 has to offer. So you're wondering around at the beginning of the

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