Mutation Review
Authors Note: I was absolutely delighted to be informed that the developer was kind enough to take the time to read my article. Additionally, he was kind enough to clarify some areas where I needed to correct some facts, and gave some further understanding. The article below has been updated to reflect this. Of note, while published under the Ossified name, this was the passion project of one person (who has been accurately credited below) over the course of a year. During that time he made no profit off Mutation, entirely self funding.I would like to take the time to thank the

At first glance, Dredge by Black Salt Games seems like a relaxing game full of fishing mini-games. But not everything is as it seems and leaving the safe harbor can quickly lead to encounters with horrors hiding in the depths. And once you submerge into the ominous atmosphere of the Dredge, you can’t hide from it even on land. You are surrounded by dark secrets and your only way out is to hope that your nets catch something, that will help you survive the madness.You start the game as a fisherman who crashes his ship near an island called Greater Marrow.

The Last Case Of Benedict Fox Review
Are you ready to dive into Limbo and explore the memories of the dead?Well, there's no turning back from this Lovecraftian mystery now!From titles like the cowboy roguelite Dust & Neon to the comedic jousting game Unicorns on Unicycles, Rogue Games Inc focus their efforts in publishing unique gaming experiences that offer a level of creativity. It comes to no surprise that The Last Case of Benedict Fox matches this publisher incredibly well, as this new title provides an intriguing atmosphere throughout.Based in the heart and soul of Poland's culture capital, Plot Twist is a development team formed of veterans that worked on major AAA titles such as

Elderand Review
Elderand is a 2D RPG platformer with a classic feel. Using pixel art to depict a world of gruesome horrors, Elderand sets a nostalgic vibe reminiscent of the gothic games of old.You play as a mercenary who has been summoned to the realm of Elderand in order to eradicate the tyranny that permeates it. Landing as the sole survivor of a shipwreck, you venture out to explore this ominous and unfamiliar land.Throughout the game, you explore a single map, which spans through several regions of Elderand, each with its own distinct characteristics and enemies. The land is filled with pixelated monstrosities

Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2 Review
Lovecraft's Untold Stories 2DescriptionDEVELOPED BY LLC BLINI GAMES - PUBLISHED BY FULQRUM PUBLISHING.Lovecraft’s Untold Stories 2 is the continuation of the first action RPG with rogue-like elements based on the Lovecraft Mythos ever released. Brand new graphics, a new and complex crafting system to create your equipment, 6 playable characters, and lots and lots of incredibly challenging content!Locked away and unaware of what is happening, you begin your adventure in what seems like a tutorial asylum type of place, explore a wide variety of maps as well complete countless side quests.Collect an ever-expansive array of resources, and craft your way to victory.Find craftable blueprints, buy