Trying Final Fantasy XIV After Almost 20 Years on World of Warcraft
I have played World of Warcraft going back to its early roots when the base game was still current content. I helped start and lead my first guild around late 2009, which was the first of 3 consecutive guilds running as recent as the last year or two. I went to my first Blizzcon in 2013 and every single year after that until 2019. That all being said, I have always been someone who saw myself playing World of Warcraft in some capacity until the end of its run whenever that might be. While I am not so certain World of

Dead Age - Review
If you love to micro-manage survivors during a zombie apocalypse, taking turns to fight off zombies and some out-of-their-mind individuals during the desperate time, with a little text-based story to spice things up, Dead Age provides such a diet more delicious than brains to zombies.Survival and Resources ManagementLike life, what keeps us going is nothing more than food and resources. It remains the same in a world full of undead and braindead bandits that are trying to mess your life up. When your main character dies, the game is over and you will need to start a new game. To beat the

Quest Hunter Review
Quest Hunter is a charming casual action-RPG that puts story and character progression, exploration and combat as its core experiences. Passion can be felt throughout the game as the developer carefully crafted this relaxing RPG with simplicity in mind.Story and Character ProgressionStory often posed as secondary in games like this but not Quest Hunter. This game leads you in with its humorous narratives. The story is simple - you were flying your airship and suddenly the sun went missing, somehow caused you to crash onto an unfamiliar town. As a stranger, you seek help to rebuild your airship while helping the

Morbid: The Seven Acolytes Review
Morbid is a VERY beautiful game, from everything static like trees or houses to moving assets like enemies and blood explosions. Trees, branches and bushes will sometimes make it confusing and you will not be able to see if you can go through a path or if there’s something blocking the way. Other than that, I loved the overall look and feel of the game. The sound of pots breaking when I hit them reminded me of some older games , almost like the sound asset comes from another game, but I will consider this as a coincidence. The audio and

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Review
Few words about the gameTrulon: The Shadow Engine is an amazing RPG game that mixes up a few styles of gameplay, creating quite a unique combination of RPG, steampunk and fantasy elements. Using a card based combat system, which can be customized any way you want thanks to a diversity of cards you can obtain after fights, your goal is to save the kingdom from unknown disease.AdvantagesAn awesome art style of all the characters and surroundingsSoundtrack fits perfectly, doesn't matter if you're walking around casually or fighting a group of enemies, there's always a great song in the backgroundWriting of dialogues