Articles with RPG tag

Songbringer Review

Songbringer, an indie action RPG. It is said that this game is a Zelda clone and yeah that's true because we find Zelda clones everywhere except that Songbringer is unique with its futurist weapons, puzzles and world. The game begins abroad the Songbringer, an old spaceship that lands on a planet, victim of an old war. You play as Roq Epimetheos, accompanied by his inseparable robot Jib , after an accident, you land in front of a cave inside which is a sword called "Nano sword". After that, you are completely free to explore and find the 9 dungeons that make


History and Legacy of Runescape Classic and what it meant to us

Jagex has announced that RuneScape Classic’s servers will be permanently shutting down at 8am GMT on 6th August 2018, expressing that their tools simply aren't compatible with Classic any longer, creating bugs and hampering the game’s security concerning bots.The classic iteration released in 2001 has a fond place in the heart of veteran Opium Pulses employees with the game’s successor, RuneScape 2 (aka Old School) being the home to our clan of the same name back in 2003. Like Opium Pulses, RuneScape was started by three English brothers with a passion for video games. It has a humble and charming story