Articles with Building tag

Plasma Review

More than a game to play, Plasma is an engineering sandbox for you to tinker with. It gives you the tools to create your own gadgets and program them to do various things.The tutorial exists in the form of its own world, complete with several pre-constructed gadgets, including some obvious signs instructing you on the basic commands to navigate, interact, build, and program. True to its sandbox nature, the game allows you to play with the elements of the tutorial in any order you like, or you can ignore it completely and leave the world to create your own project right


Kerbal Space Program 2 Review

Dust off those EVA suits and prepare for launch. Then brace yourself for potentially far more explosions than you can shake a payload at, as the rockets you intensely labor over for hours may falter within mere seconds.Don’t let that discourage you! As Chris Hadfield, one of the most seasoned and accomplished astronauts, said: “Early success is a terrible teacher.”What game could possibly deliver such exciting potential energy and cataclysmic, cosmic chaos? To answer that, let’s travel back in time. In 2011 Kerbal Space Program introduced us to adorable green Kerbonauts and intrepid space engineers from the world of Kerbin. On


Monuments Flipper Review

Platform: PC Steam Developers: Monuments Game and Game IncubatorSometimes you want to take a refreshing break from the fast-paced genre of games and life itself, a Cup of tea in hand (In my case, hot chocolate), and wondering what game to play that will make you feel that little bit more relaxed. Well, Monuments Flipper does just that and more!What does Monuments Flipper entail?You play the role of a professional Monument Flipper, where you restore the most outstanding monuments, such as Saint Michel d'Aiguihue and Notre-dame de Paris, to their former glory—along the way, learning a little bit about architecture and history itself.Well, what can I do exactly?When flipping the


A Guide to PC Gaming for Beginners

For beginners, the PC gaming scene might feel daunting to enter. It could be because hardware specifications are complicated to understand, or because there are numerous storefronts and hundreds of games to choose from. There's a lot to consider, and it's easy to become overwhelmed. However, just because you like gaming doesn't mean you have to spend hours reading all there is to know about PC gaming. Knowing the fundamentals is enough to get you started in the gaming world.Games look and perform best on a PC. So, if you want to have a good and professional gaming experience, having a


Marble Age Review

Few words about the gamePre-Civilization Marble Age is a quite complex but peaceful strategy game. Your goal is to expand your territory, make alliances and just explore around your world. It's a really entertaining game, mostly thanks to being based on actual history, but still it's a nice way to spend a free evening. It might not be the best strategy game around, especially with all those restrictions imposed by the game as a lot of potential development is wasted, yet it's one of the nicest I've personally playedAdvantagesLovely cartoon(ish) graphics and practical, adjustable in-game UISurprisingly, composite technologies tree that boosts

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