Lorn's Lure Review
Delicate clouds kissed a pastel blue sky. The jagged stone obelisks seemed less harsh. Softer, almost gentle. The warm sun overhead basking them in a rich golden glow, teeming with life. It was all so beautiful…Lush green grass kissed every nook, cranny, and crevice- it flowed like water, bubbling up from beneath metal grates, and rusty pipes.But I still felt trapped. Then I saw it…followed it… down…down… down into an abyss. The darkness all consuming, and unknown. The sound of wings beat in the dark. How foolish I was then… 253 years ago…There is… no going back. There is no way back...you must now

Lies of P Review
A mechanical click. The system thrums to life.Ba-dump. Tick.Strong yet intricate fingertips flex, eliciting a soft whirr of mechanics, before wrapping the surprisingly articulate tips around the edge of the chair. Artificial muscles flex.Ba-dump. Tock.Ebony eyelashes flutter, parting to reveal cobalt irises. The grip tightens, a boyish frame rising from the plush red velveteen of the chair. Ba-dump. Tick.Thoughts, memories, experiences and LIFE course through inner workings, glowing bright and blue. Gears turn and springs flex and release. A mechanical heart beats and thrums in time with the rise and fall of each step.Ba-dump. Tock.The partially coagulated blood gives a soft

Pine Harbor Review
The air brakes hiss in disdain as the long commuter bus slowly grinds to a stop. The thick, dense fog is an oppressive companion the moment your feet touch the worn, neglected asphalt as you depart the safe metal shell of the vehicle. The door squeaks a menial farewell as its inner arm extends, the bus eliciting a chirp as it’s brakes hiss once more. It rolls away with unexpected vigor: The driver had no desire to linger, let alone to really bring you here in the first place- to Pine Harbor. It was all too eerie. Too quiet. A desolate,

The Thaumaturge Review
It’s Time to Fight Your Inner Demons…Taking place in 1905- pre World War I Warsaw, Poland, The Thaumaturge thrusts you into the role of Wiktor Szulski- a man battling his own inner demons, as well as the demons of others. In a beautiful marriage of history and fantasy, Fool's Theory has brought a unique Isometric RPGs to the table, full of physical, emotional and mental conflict. While far from perfect, The Thaumaturge brings detective work, difficult moral choices, and gorgeous storytelling together, making for some ultimately creative and rewarding game play. Our main protagonist Wiktor Szulski is gifted with the powers

Buried Alive: Breathless Rescue Review
Buried Alive: Breathless Rescue ReviewDeveloper - Geekon, Publisher - Midnight GamesAre you ready to embark on a spine-chilling adventure? Step into the shoes of the protagonist and experience the terror of being "Buried Alive" in a crypt. Your mission is clear: Escape the confines of your coffin, find the key to unlock the door, and unveil the dark secrets that lie within.Confined inside a coffin by a madman, you find yourself stabbed in the leg, your last phone call is from your fiancee Hannah, she's been kidnapped too! Go and make your way through this survival horror in search of her.Complete little challenges, find notes leading