Articles with Sandbox tag

Kerbal Space Program 2 Review

Dust off those EVA suits and prepare for launch. Then brace yourself for potentially far more explosions than you can shake a payload at, as the rockets you intensely labor over for hours may falter within mere seconds.Don’t let that discourage you! As Chris Hadfield, one of the most seasoned and accomplished astronauts, said: “Early success is a terrible teacher.”What game could possibly deliver such exciting potential energy and cataclysmic, cosmic chaos? To answer that, let’s travel back in time. In 2011 Kerbal Space Program introduced us to adorable green Kerbonauts and intrepid space engineers from the world of Kerbin. On


PowerWash Simulator Review

Out of all the most pointless and annoyingly conflicting games, PowerWash Simulator may be the one that will get you addicted. Turning a real-life chore into a proper game, this is a nightmare come to life for anyone suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and potentially a way to trigger your inner cleanliness fixation as well. Without going any deeper into controversial areas, the wish to restore the overly disgusting locations in this game to their former glory is something that may mess with the psyche in ways that some players may not be expecting.So SatisfactoryPossibly designed with the satisfactory and the ASMR


Barista Simulator Review

Barista Simulator ReviewDescriptionDeveloper and publisher - CubeCube Sports LtdBarista Simulator lets you experience making a wide variety of coffees just like espresso, latte, cappuccino or even your special mix of coffees. While managing your coffee shop, you play as a Barista and make the coffees your customers want. It's up to you to choose how to treat your shoppers.You know those drink makers that pour you your frappuccino at Starbucks or your regular Cappucino at the local Costa, well here in Barista Simulator, you too can see for yourself just how hard that job is.Play as a beginner coffee maker, or refresh your


Monuments Flipper Review

Platform: PC Steam Developers: Monuments Game and Game IncubatorSometimes you want to take a refreshing break from the fast-paced genre of games and life itself, a Cup of tea in hand (In my case, hot chocolate), and wondering what game to play that will make you feel that little bit more relaxed. Well, Monuments Flipper does just that and more!What does Monuments Flipper entail?You play the role of a professional Monument Flipper, where you restore the most outstanding monuments, such as Saint Michel d'Aiguihue and Notre-dame de Paris, to their former glory—along the way, learning a little bit about architecture and history itself.Well, what can I do exactly?When flipping the


Goat Simulator 3 Review

Sometimes you just need to shut down your brain and enjoy some mindless fun. That’s why games such as Goat Simulator 3 exist, to remind you that you don’t have to be the hero all the time; that’s exhausting, and you deserve a break from saving the world or rescuing the foolish princess. Causing utter chaos is known as one of the greatest stress-relief activities in gaming, and who better to do it than a goat with sharp horns and an even sharper disregard for serenity?Goatest of All TimeGoat Simulator 3 is the sequel to Coffee Stain’s 2014 hit Goat Simulator,

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