Go Home Annie Review
YOU'LL COME FOR THE HORROR BUT STAY FOR EVERYTHING ELSEI’m currently obsessed with horror, so I was excited to try Go Home Annie, a newly released first-person, horror adventure game available on Steam, Epic and Gog. After playing, I'd have a hard time calling this a true horror game. There are a few jump scares and some mild gore, but it never generated any feelings of dread. It was, however, packed with plenty of other things I love - amazing creepy visuals, awesome audio, a wide variety of interesting puzzles, platforming, exploration and a good story. Developed by Misfit Village and

Sofie: The Echoes Review
The untimely click of well-worn high heels echoes off the dimly lit, drab and dreary walls of the unspecified, yet painfully generic hospital corridor. You sprint past rows of doors, some open, others shut, and other still cracked open with the flicker of eerie red light spilling forth- just about the only color saturating the otherwise lackluster halls. How did you get here?Where are you going?How did you know this is where you should be?More importantly, how did you make it this far with your 3 inch heels still pristine and intact, yet your dress is absolutely saturated in blood, clinging

Funko Fusion - The one true investment
Funko Fusion - MAJOR UPDATEQuality of Life Update #1 - Less Hard, Faster, Better, StrongerFunko Fusion - The one true investmentYes, you read that right.There IS such a thing as a good investment in the name of Funko!Now before you scoff and label me a box-hoarding speculator with questionable sanity, allow me to explain further.It has functional value!Many had given up hope, many had shed tears, but at last,the Funko brand has spread it's wings, and left the dusty closet of sunken costs damning it's most avid collectors.Forget about tacky and thoughtless cash grabs, the days of Snowman Captain America Funko

Forever Skies Review
The impact of the escape pod was unexpectedly violent. Sparks danced through the air, arching and flitting across every surface; crimson light thrummed overhead and basking the small enclosure in an eerie glow. A groan parts your lips, taking a moment to gain your bearings before un-clipping your harness and pulling yourself from the seat. Steam hissed from the doors control panel: The impact damaged just about every internal system onboard, not like you’d be in need of them much longer. This was a one way trip. Left with no other choice, you pull the energy jettison latch, the doors ruptured

Ale & Tale Tavern Review Jank
Dirt and gravel crunch softly under the soles of your feet as you make your way up the little-traversed path, leaning forward slightly as it gently slopes uphill. As you reach the crest, your gaze settles on the charmingly quaint building in front of you. Weather-worn fliers, wanted posters and long sprawling vines litter the buildings exterior while cobwebs glazing the patio eaves, drawing your eyes upwards.The sign greets you with a crooked smile of sorts, lazily drooping by a hinge. A firm gust sets it in motion, a soft groan coming from the rusty hinges that were, more or less,