Grand Theft Auto V and Elex
VROOOOOOOOM!!!The latest update brings the biker gangs back to the streets!A very own Lost MC for everyone who is able to purchase a clubhouse.Is that the update GTA needed in so long?Clear answer: YES!Updates in form of DLCs/Addons are actually a way to keep games alive, and so GTA as well.The last two expansions failed greatly and didn’t motivate enough players to come back to Los Santos.Now with the option to have a very own bike chapter, changes in the president system (equivalent to CEO/VIP) and more bikes, chances are high that there are more bikes than ever before rolling down the

Snake's News - Demaster Detected
Well, let's start.RESIDENT EVIL 7 GAMEPLAYJumpscares, walking, and no mention or footage of combat system. If you're up for it then go ahead and watch. You also could've seen parts of the footage during Gamescom and Tokyo Game Show.POKEMON SUN/MOON EXCLUSIVESVersion-exclusive Pokemon are the shit. Check out the heir of Harambe's legacy and a floofy wolf.BIOSHOCK DEMASTEREDCould it be that...the actual remaster...looks worse? Seems like that's the case, so if you're playing on PC - stick to the originals. If you're on PS4 or XBO - well, you have no choice.SNIPER ELITE 4 TRAILERHello, sir. You want to have an X-Ray?

Snake's News - Back Up Again
After a week without computer, because you know, broken screen kinda limits my ability to write or do anything, we're back with news. But without a huge summary because I'm sure someone must've done that before. No? Well, I'm not doing that.GEARS OF WAR 4 TRAILEROf course, it has the cover of most butchered song in guitar shops ever, the song that has been forbidden in some of them...and of course it's Metallica with their "Nothing Else Matters". Well, a cover of it, as I said before. Still, this is the launch trailer, even though the game is coming out in

Snake's News - BIG Catch-up Thingy
Oh, don't look at this post like that. I am lazy and not motivated, that's all. But at least I have SOME sense of responsibility, so here we go.HARRY POTTER COMES BACK TO VIDEO GAMESBut it's only as a part of LEGO Dimensions, so no game dedicated solely to young wizard's adventures. So expect Skylanders-like distribution of things and partially-interesting things.BATMAN: RETURN TO ARKHAM COMPARISIONGame's coming out on October 21st, we're getting a comparision trailer now. Everything seems to look better...except Joker himself. THe hell happened, Rocksteady?DAWN OF WAR 3 GAMEPLAY!Are you ready to take care of all the heresy in

Snake's News - Catch-Up Thingy
Well, time to catch up a bit. Work milks me dry.WORLD OF FINAL FANTASYSo THIS is the direction the Final Fantasy franchise is heading? No thanks. Catastrophe.FOR HONOR: CHOOSE YOUR WARRIORWho would win in a Samruai vs Viking vs Knight standoff? Watch all the videos and take your pick.DUKE NUKEM 3D WORLD TOURDuke is back and still looks like he did back in 90s - old, blocky, without any graphical improvements. But with a new capmaign and more voiceover by John St. John.SONIC MANIAThe remaster/remix of classic blue hedgehog games got a 12 minute gameplay made by a person who apparently