
Devils Hunt Review

Developer: Layopi GamesPublisher:  1C EntertainmentWhat is Devils Hunt? Do you like hack/slash? do you like feeling powerful? Then you might like Devils Hunt.Just a dream!The Story: Devils Hunt story is about Desmond who is a big shot in his eyes, has everything he could ever want till he loses his big match and comes home finds his wife cheating on him or was she? After seeing this Desmond can’t take it and drives off the edge, after being saved by lucifer he offered a deal as he is the saviour and destroyer, so he makes a pact with Lucifer and does


NBA 2K20 Review

Early September marks the annual release date for the NBA 2K game, with gamers and basketball fans alike clambering to get their hands on the latest edition from Visual Concepts. However, as the current crop of games consoles near the end of their product life cycles and developers are able to push them to their limits of performance, the annual releases are becoming incremental improvements, instead of a radical overhauls.Is NBA 2K20 more than just a reskinned version of NBA 2K19 with updated player rosters? Let’s find out.Easier GameplayNBA 2K20 feels a lot more intuitive than previous releases of the game.


Flotsam Review

Flotsam Developed by Pajama Llama Games and Published by KongregateI want to start off this review by stating that this game is Early Access on Steam. While some people don’t like playing early access games because they don’t want to deal with little content that is buggy, which is understandable, I have also played games that were past the early stages and just buggy as hell. Now to dive into Flotsam which if you didn’t know Flotsam means debris that is floating around, pretty great name for a floating garbage town survival game.Let me tell you about the graphics because honestly,


Swag and Sorcery Review

Developer: Lazy Bear Games, Uroboros GamesPublisher: tinyBuild.What is Swag and Sorcery? Do you like grinding for materials to make better gear? Do you like looking at timers? Then Swag and Sorcery is for you.My little village!Swag and Sorcery Graphics: The graphics of Swag and Sorcery are 2D 16 bit and they really make the game with the amount of amour and weapons there are in the game all the cutscenes are in 16 bit as well but we will talk about the story a little more below.Killing monsters!The Story: Swag and Sorcery story is about a king who sends his heroes to find


Review: Police Stories

  Police Stories is a tactical buddy cop game set in a Neon drenched city, where protagonists John Rimes and Rick Jones are tasked with murderin.. I mean, locking up bad guys and to stop an ever more prominent conspiracy which will ripple through their nondescript city forever.THE STORY  The opening starts with both protagonists relaxing in a diner, depicting John as a charismatic, hot-headed and egoistic, and Rick as a cold and calculating professional, and ends with both doing their due diligence and leaving for a call on a local Bar & Grill being robbed (half an hour after sitting down

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