Articles with steam tag

Cuphead's Controversial Review

Everyone knows what this game is so let's get down to brass tacks.Artstyle.Done in perfect 1930's cartoon style, the game features one of the most impressive, adorable and timeless visuals of all time, it's truly worth it to simply watch it as a cartoon, it also seemingly implements new UI elements into it for the game itself.Gameplay.The game features 3 types of gameplay, Run' N' Gun' as your typical sidescrolling platformer shooter such as Megaman, a bullet hell Shoot Em Up with everything to dodge in your little airplane, and the Contracts where you take individually unique fights against a multitude


Sonic Mania Review

Out of the way, the blue Hedgehog came back, in all it's pixely goodness.If you haven't played Sonic games this is a perfect time to give them a shot, and if you have played them you are likely not even reading this article, and are probably playing Sonic Mania right now.Sonic Mania is everything a Sonic fan would want starting with the fact that it's a new 2D adventure after roughly 23 years since the release of Sonic & Knuckles (1994). Sonic has always been around with different variants of the genre, things like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Collection, Spinball


PWND Review

Today I review the game called PWND which is a fast-paced multiplayer FPS with unique characters and amazingly fun gameplay.Are you a proffesional t-bagger? Do you like humiliating your enemies when you kill them? Well then this game is for you. The goal of the game is to "kill" a person on the enemy team - but thats not it, to score points you have to pwn them. Matches are fast and fun, there are four different characters to choose from (more coming soon) all with different abilites and gameplay style. I would say the movement in this game resembles that


PUBG is now the most popular game on Steam

The record number of players playing at Steam at the same time does not belong to Dota 2 anymore.It happened - Steam after a very long time has a new most popular game with a record number of active players. Dota 2 dominated the top ten most popular games on Steam since 2014 but PUBG has set a new record this weekend, knocking down the odds of 1.29 million active players in the same game.The new record is growing and now stands at 1,338,091 players. Since PUBG has so far sold over 10 million copies, this means that every ten players


Spacebound Review

Here's a review for the most pain in the ass game I've played since Dark Souls. Although I hate this game - I can't stop playing it, it's too fun.Here's a picture of level 0, the "tutorial section" it's fairly easy, but controlling both characters at once is really really frustrating, especially if you play on keyboard. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad - but there's a rope between them, which constantly pulls one character to another if you go too far. Ok now let's start from the beginning. Spacebound is a puzzle platformer with some unique ideas, although the game

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